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Michael, Jenny's husband, is not who she thinks he is. Having disappeared from her life after two years of marriage, he stages a return a year later. Through the discovery, by Jenny, that she is the recipient of some of the missing treasures that disappeared after the downfall of the Russian Imperial Family, her marriage is revealed as being based entirely on untruths.


Love Lies Dead


"This new author is an excellent story teller. After the first few pages I was expecting a love story with a twist (don't want give the plot away) but it is much more. Intrigue, nail biting tension and historical detail all woven in to a well written fast moving novel with a credible central character.
Highly recommend."


"As a first publication, it is very good, and a nice read, the author has made a good start to her writing.
We look forward to more publications from Carol Kennedy."


"Not my usual read, but I really enjoyed this book, Couldn`t put it down had o know what happened next, so many unexpected twists with an historical background, "Conspiring Black Sheep " arrives tomorrow- goodbye housework !!

This is fast-paced thriller full of unexpected (to me at least) twists and turns. It is set on the borders of Derbyshire and Staffordshire (even including the village where I lived as a teenager 60 years ago), so I was on familiar ground but this is set in TODAY - even including a prophetic sentence at Chapter 20 about the 23rd June 2017."

"I "lived and breathed" with the heroine through her various trials and tribulations, feeling compelled often to go on to the next chapter. Not ALL the characters are what they seem to be at first sight - which is also true of life today as well - but ALL are credible.

I also learned about Romanov artifacts, added in for good measure.

This is a DEBUT novel of great promise. But to say more about the plot, would spoil your pleasure. of a really good read. Go on, buy a copy and enjoy yourself!"



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